I am excited to inform you that my second book, YOU-TURN, has been published and is now available.

“YOU-TURN” is a guide with practical tools for discovering a pathway and direction that empowers us to take control of our lives. Even in difficult times. This unique ancient approach reminds us that better health and happiness are within our reach. 

The Simple Solution!

Are Fear and Chaos Destroying Our Healthy, Happy, and Loving Environment?

About The Books


A nuts-and-bolts guidebook to raising the quality of one’s life through mindfulness. This nonfiction debut from Indian author Pathik describes the extent of the psychological, social, and spiritual problems afflicting the modern technological age—and especially the children of the current era. In the United States, he writes, one out of five children experiences mental health problems, which translates to millions of kids. Many adults are similarly oppressed, according to Pathik—overworked and overly stressed by omnipresent technology: “We have become so absorbed in the materialistic world,” he writes, “that we have forgotten how to be human.” The author warns readers that, despite his book’s title, his response to these pervasive societal maladies is not a “quick fix”; somewhat, it more closely resembles a journey that one may take alongside the author. Pathik lays out his key concept in clear prose: that readers should distinguish between their “Inner” and “Outer Minds.” The Outer Mind is the “Subjective Mind,” he says, which deals with thoughts and actions and can blunt the sensitivity that one needs to be content. The Inner Mind, by contrast, is the “Intuitive Mind,” which he defines as the sacred, spiritual inner core of one’s personality. According to Pathik, modern life is characterized by the tension between these aspects of every person’s brain: “There is a war going on inside our minds,” he writes. Although this is a fairly standard real-world/inner-spirit dichotomy, Pathik effectively outlines major steps to achieving a balance between the two over the course of his book. 

The key, he says, is to “silence the Outer Mind for even short intervals” in order to better access one’s more spiritual Inner Mind. He gives readers a straightforward and practical path to reaching this goal, through the use of breathing exercises (“This mindful breath flow creates a natural quietness of the mind”) and other mindfulness techniques. An engagingly written call to overcome stress and embrace a life of awareness and simplicity.

Kirkus Indie ([email protected])

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                                                                              

Simple Solution Expert Brings Latest in Transforming One’s Life and Reducing Stress

Author Raman Pathik Releases Latest Guide to Living Happier, Healthier Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Mar. 10, 2025) – From the author who introduced the ancient meditative technique of “Baby Breathing” in “The Simple Solution!” Raman Pathik just released his companion guide, “You-Turn,” full of new solutions for improving the mind and body for a healthy life.

In this new workbook, readers are encouraged to “unleash the power of mindfulness” and discover the path to emotional well-being by connecting with their inner selves. The guide also includes videos to help the reader with breathing exercises and a self-assessment to gauge from where their fears and anxieties stem.

“Young people, especially, are under so much pressure and experience an unprecedented level of anxiety,” Pathik said. “It’s hard to make sense of the world and understand yourself when bombarded by the overwhelming influences surrounding us today.”

Pathik has applied his more than 65 years of research and studying agriculture, chemistry, physics and people to help individuals reclaim the planet and transform their lives, rejecting negative thoughts and forming healthy habits. He created The Simple Solution Center to assist with practicing mindfulness, teach balanced breathing, time management, improving finances, nutrition and energy.

“Now is the time to take a ‘You-Turn’ away from sickness towards happy emotional health,” Pathik said. “This guide will help you to recognize where you are and how to find your way to safety and happiness.”

 “YOU-TURN: Unleash the Power of Mindfulness: Discover the Path to Emotional Well-Being by Connecting with Your Inner Self”

By Raman K. Pathik


Available at Balboa, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the author

The author, Raman Pathik, lived in a Gandhi-inspired Ashram as a child in India. Coming to the United States, he experienced a stressful society. Now, as an applied knowledge expert in quality of life and transformation, he teaches others to take control of their lives to find true happiness and peace. To learn more about the author and his books, please visit https://thesimplesolutioncenter.org/ and https://www.balboapress.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/771064-you-turn.

General Inquiries:            

The Simple Solution Center

[email protected]

What’s inside


My Descent into Fear, Stress, and Chaos

Stories of the Inner and Outer Mind



Understanding of Our Gifts, Brain, and Mind



Super Power of Baby Breath



The Power of Simplicity



Power of Environment



Applied Knowledge is Powerful


Beginning of "The Simple Solution Movement"


My Descent into Fear, Stress, and Chaos

“Thoughts of what has happened in the past bring back old memories, happiness, sadness, guilt, attachments, and anger. Thoughts of what can happen in the future bring thoughts of potential fear, stress, greed, ego,  lust, and chaos. These thoughts make us forget mindful breathing, what is happening at the present moment, and our gifts of love, peace, joy, wisdom, and purity. We leave behind who we are and where we come from.”

—Raman K. Pathik




“The Simple Solution! is an engaging and inspiring set of reflections. Out of his own fascinating life experiences, enriched by wisdom from the world’s greatest sages, both ancient and modern, Raman K. Pathik has crafted a compelling analysis of what ails us as a species and offers tried and true disciplines for transforming our lives and creating a better future for our children. There are great riches to be found within these pages. We would all do well to listen to Mr. Pathik.

 —Mark W. Muesse, W.J. Millard Professor of Religious Studies, Rhodes College, author of Practicing Mindfulness and Confucius, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad

About the author.

Raman Pathik is an Author and Mentor who specializes in helping individuals overcome anxiety and develop self-sufficiency through mindfulness and unconditional self-compassion. With a unique background growing up in a Gandhi-inspired Ashram community in India, Raman believes in simplicity, self-sufficiency, and a non-violent lifestyle. His purpose in mentoring teenagers and young adults is to enable them to develop their own skills, strategies, and capabilities, empowering them to tackle life’s hurdles more effectively. Raman’s own journey of overcoming traumatic events and transforming from a reactive person to a proactive one has equipped him with the knowledge and experience to guide others on their path to a healthier, happier, and more loving life. By teaching individuals how to shift from anxiety breathing to baby breathing, Raman helps them enter a peace zone where they can teach themselves anything new and live each day with love. Through his transformative mentoring, Raman aims to contribute to a society filled with healthy, happy, and loving individuals.

Raman Pathik