
Raman Pathik has 66 years of life experiences to share with his readers. As a child, he lived in a Gandhi-inspired Ashram community in his native country of India. Coming to the United States over 35 years ago, he experienced the best and the worst of our modern, hectic, and stressful society. For the past two decades he has been seeking for himself and his family the answer explained by The Simple Solution!

He observed and experienced himself that our world is ailing. People’s minds are full of greed, ego, attachment, lust, and anger, creating fear, stress, and chaos in their lives. Consumerism and self-gain is polluting our planet, destroying our natural environment, leading humanity on a dead-end path.

Now as an applied knowledge expert in the fields of quality of life, well-being, and transformation he is ready to share for the first time the amazing story of his life. He tells us, “If you are not healthy, happy, and loving, it’s time to take a U-turn back to your true purpose. You do not have to live in fear, stress, and chaos. There is The Simple Solution!”

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           Let me say, first and foremost, that if I had not devised The Simple Solution for myself, I would not be alive today!

May I say that again? Just so you don’t miss it?



           I believe this in my heart and soul. And, I have first-hand experience to validate and support my beliefs. My beloved brother died at only 49 years old, suffering and succumbing to stress and chaos. It was the lowest moment of my life. I had lost my mother, my father, and my idolized brother. How could I go on? Who would help me?

For ten years, I had been following in my older brother’s footsteps. I was following the American Dream. The dream had become a nightmare, and I could see in the mirror that I was on the same toxic path. This was my wake-up call.

I was born in India, surrounded by unconditional love and family. I lived in a Gandhi-inspired Ashram founded by my father. I grew up experiencing the simple wisdom of Mahatma Gandhi. It was all I knew, and I believed it was all there was in the universe.

How had I come so far from my roots and core beliefs? How had I lost my happiness, my health, and my loving nature? But the big question was, “How could I return to the simplicity that healed?”

Thus, began the research and journey to return to my childhood beliefs. These beliefs, now validated and supported by many years of research, have become the concept for The Simple Solution! It is my passion and my dream. I am humbled by the great people who came before me and those who will come after me. The Simple Solution is a vision for a better tomorrow . . . not just for me, but for all humanity.

I invite you to read my story, study the concept, and draw your own conclusions. I hope you, too, will become a part of The Simple Solution Movement to save our future from fear, stress, and chaos. This is not an easy task, nor is it a quick-fix. It will take many teachers and even more helpers from all walks of life—each a single soul in a complicated world looking for The Simple Solution to the complex problems that overwhelm our society and environment.


Raman K. Pathik