THE SIMPLE SOLUTION! is not just a book—it is a concept and movement for all people of the world to experience the Quality-of-Life Family and Community Transformation Center, to manifest our human rights as optimally healthy, happy and loving human beings, with the tools to become role models for future generations.

Our world is ailing. Peoples’ minds are full of greed, ego, attachment, lust, and anger, creating fear, stress, and chaos in their lives. Consumerism and self-gain are polluting our planet, destroying our natural environment and ecosystems, and leading humanity on a dead-end path. Many living species have become extinct. Could this happen for humankind? Are we heading for a desolate, dead planet?

You may feel this is a melodramatic synopsis.  However, if you are on that dead-end path as I have been, jeopardizing your life, health, and future, you will see that a solution is needed—A SIMPLE SOLUTION! —that all individuals can follow and teach their children. This is the purpose of this book, concept and movement.

This book is for all human beings of any age who are NOT healthy, happy and loving. People are looking for well-being and an alternative to their frightening, pressure-filled lives, full of confusion and turmoil. My unique upbringing in a Gandhi Ashram, where I was taught self-sufficiency and a non-violent way of life, allowed me to be a healthy, happy, and loving person. At the time, this was my purpose in life.

When I came to the United States at 30 years of age, other people from this society influenced me and I changed my purpose of life to follow the “so-called” American Dream. I became an unhealthy, unhappy, and angry person on the dead-end path of consumerism. I tell my story of how I transformed my life by making U-TURN back to my initial values and principles through the applied intelligence of the Inner and Outer minds (spiritual, social, physical, and mental), the power of the breath, the simplicity of the natural environment, and manifesting the transformative experience of this simple solution.

When we experience and live as a family and community, learning and applying these simple tools of Knowledge, Breath, Simplicity, and Environment, we can create a society where we use our gifts and skills for caring and sharing, so that all people on our planet will have their basic human needs met: oxygen, clean water, nutritional food, physical activity, and sunlight. Together we can save our world and manifest THE SIMPLE SOLUTION!