All of us want our children to be born healthy and grow up to be healthy, happy, and loving adults. Unfortunately, not all children are born healthy, or the environment itself may be sick and toxic. The simple, healthy lifestyle and peaceful, mindful silence of the breath discussed in The Simple Solution may help many families with medical and environmental challenges.

            People that are born healthy and have a healthy, happy, and loving environment sometimes lose sight of these ideals on life’s journey and their minds are filled with fear, stress, and chaos. Hopefully, these individuals will have a “wake-up call” as I did in my life to return to the path of being healthy, happy, and loving. I share my long struggle with you in this book.

The loss of a loved one; health issues such as heart attack, diabetes, stroke; the loss of a job, foreclosure on your home or bankruptcy disrupts our lives and gets us off track. Even happy occasions such as marriage, the birth of a child, graduation from college, or a new job can cause worry and stress. If we listen to other people and only care about outside influences, many turn to a life of consumerism which is ruled by greed, ego, attachment, lust, and anger.

If you can relate to any of these issues, THE SIMPLE SOLUTION IS FOR YOU!

            The Simple Solution it’s not just a book—it’s a concept, a movement for all persons of the world to experience the Quality of Life Family and Community Transformation Center and manifest our human rights as healthy, happy, and loving human beings with the tools to become role models for future generations. I believe we all want our children to be born healthy and live their lives as healthy, happy, and loving human beings!

“Breath is life; life is we; we are love, peace, joy, wisdom, and purity.
We are the gift. Let’s manifest healthy, happy, and loving societies in the world.”
–Raman K. Pathik



A nuts-and-bolts guidebook to raising the quality of one’s life through mindfulness. This nonfiction debut from Indian author Pathik describes the extent of the psychological, social, and spiritual problems afflicting the modern technological age—and especially the children of the current era. In the United States, he writes, one out of five children experiences mental health problems, which translates to millions of kids. Many adults are similarly oppressed, according to Pathik—overworked and overly stressed by omnipresent technology: “We have become so absorbed in the materialistic world,” he writes, “that we have forgotten how to be human.” The author warns readers that, despite his book’s title, his response to these pervasive societal maladies is not a “quick-fix”; rather, it more closely resembles a journey that one may take alongside the author. In clear prose, Pathik lays out his key concept: that readers should make a clear distinction between their “Inner” and “Outer Minds.” The Outer Mind is the “Subjective Mind,” he says, which deals with thoughts and actions and can blunt the sensitivity that one needs to be content. The Inner Mind, by contrast, is the “Intuitive Mind,” which he defines as the sacred, spiritual inner core of one’s personality. And according to Pathik, modern life is characterized by the tension between these aspects of every person’s brain: “There is a war going on inside our minds,” he writes. Although this is a fairly standard real-world/inner-spirit dichotomy, Pathik effectively outlines major steps to achieving a balance between the two over the course of his book.

The key, he says, is to “silence the Outer Mind for even short intervals” in order to better access one’s more spiritual Inner Mind. He gives readers a straightforward and practical path to reaching this goal, through the use of breathing exercises (“This mindful breath flow creates a natural quietness of the mind”) and other mindfulness techniques. An engagingly written call to overcome stress and embrace a life of awareness and simplicity.

Kirkus Indie ([email protected])

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