“An engagingly written call to overcome stress and embrace a life of awareness and simplicity.” A nuts-and-bolts guidebook to raising the quality of one’s life through mindfulness. This nonfiction debut from Indian author Pathik describes the extent of the...

The Movement

Our world is ailing. People’s minds are full of greed, ego, attachment, lust, and anger, creating fear, stress, and chaos in their lives. Consumerism and self-gain is polluting our planet, destroying our natural environment, leading humanity on a dead-end path. What...

Could You Be An Evolutionary?

  If you’re passionate about your own growth and development and equally committed to the evolution of the world, I have news for you: You’re probably an “evolutionary.” In case you haven’t heard the term, an evolutionary is someone who understands that the radical...

My Concept of the Inner Mind and the Outer Mind

  What I have just described is what I call the “Outer Mind” (Subjective Mind). I will elaborate on this in the concept for The Simple Solution! While living in our Outer Mind, we are out of touch with the gifts that are naturally in our “Inner Mind” (Intuitive Mind)...

Beginning of “The Simple Solution Movement”

“Knowledge is good, but applied knowledge is powerful!” — The Simple Solution Movement After one week, one month, one year, or longer, the unique experience at the Quality of Life Family and Community Transformation Center will be awakened within you with...