Are Fear and Chaos Destroying Our Healthy, Happy, and Loving Environment?

About The Book


All of us want our children to be born healthy and grow up to be healthy, happy, and loving adults. Unfortunately, not all children are born healthy, or the environment itself may be sick and toxic. The simple, healthy lifestyle and peaceful, mindful silence of the breath discussed in The Simple Solution may help many families with medical and environmental challenges.

            People who are born healthy and have a healthy, happy, and loving environment sometimes lose sight of these ideals on life’s journey and their minds are filled with fear, stress, and chaos. Hopefully, these individuals will have a “wake-up call” as I did in my life to return to the path of being healthy, happy, and loving. I share my long struggle with you in this book.

The loss of a loved one; health issues such as heart attack, diabetes, stroke; the loss of a job, foreclosure on your home, or bankruptcy disrupts our lives and gets us off track. Even happy occasions such as marriage, the birth of a child, graduation from college, or a new job can cause worry and stress. If we listen to other people and only care about outside influences, many turn to a life of consumerism which is ruled by greed, ego, attachment, lust, and anger.

If you can relate to any of these issues, THE SIMPLE SOLUTION IS FOR YOU!

            The Simple Solution it’s not just a book—it’s a concept, a movement for all persons of the world to experience the Quality of Life Family and Community Transformation Center and manifest our human rights as healthy, happy, and loving human beings with the tools to become role models for future generations. I believe we all want our children to be born healthy and live their lives as healthy, happy, and loving human beings!

“Breath is life; life is we; we are love, peace, joy, wisdom, and purity.
We are the gift. Let’s manifest healthy, happy, and loving societies in the world.”
–Raman K. Pathik

What’s inside


My Descent into Fear, Stress, and Chaos

Stories of the Inner and Outer Mind



Understanding of Our Gifts, Brain, and Mind



Super Power of Baby Breath



The Power of Simplicity



Power of Environment



Applied Knowledge is Powerful


Beginning of "The Simple Solution Movement"

Chapter 1


My Descent into Fear, Stress, and Chaos

“Thoughts of what has happened in the past bring back old memories, happiness, sadness, guilt, attachments, and anger. Thoughts of what can happen in the future bring thoughts of potential fear, stress, greed, ego,  lust, and chaos. These thoughts make us forget mindful breathing, what is happening at the present moment, and our gifts of love, peace, joy, wisdom, and purity. We leave behind who we are and where we come from.”

—Raman K. Pathik



Packed With Research and The Wisdom Of The Ages, You Can Be A Role Model For The New “Simple Solution” Movement That Will Transform Individuals, Society, And The World!

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Ali Sayed on Code of art.

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Dj Porag on Code of art.

About the author.


Raman Pathik is an Author and Mentor who specializes in helping individuals overcome anxiety and develop self-sufficiency through mindfulness and unconditional self-compassion. With a unique background growing up in a Gandhi-inspired Ashram community in India, Raman believes in simplicity, self-sufficiency, and a non-violence lifestyle. His purpose in mentoring teenagers and young adults is to enable them to develop their own skills, strategies, and capabilities, empowering them to tackle life’s hurdles more effectively. Raman’s own journey of overcoming traumatic events and transforming from a reactive person to a proactive one has equipped him with the knowledge and experience to guide others on their path to a healthier, happier, and more loving life. By teaching individuals how to shift from anxiety breathing to baby breathing, Raman helps them enter a peace zone where they can teach themselves anything new and live each day with love. Through his transformative mentoring, Raman aims to contribute to a society filled with healthy, happy, and loving individuals. 

 Raman K. Pathik

How to Manage Teams

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